Scheelite on muscovite - Xuebaoding Mts, Pingwu, Sichuan...
Here is a piece with an absolutely unique construction! The...
Here is a piece with an absolutely unique construction! The...
Scheelite accompanied by muscovite, calcite and some small...
Nice brightness and pleasing presentation for these scheelite...
Half octahedron of scheelite with perfect brilliance and...
Not 100% perfect piece but which has the merit to be composed...
Very nice piece but unfortunately with some flaws that justify...
A very classical piece but nevertheless nice and of good...
Superb thumbnail composed of gem barite, small crystals of...
Floating bright crested barite, gem at the ends accompanied by...
Interesting small blade of brilliant barite, well finished,...
Small plate of very shiny fluorite, with a very correct size...
Perfect scheelite crystal shyly nestled in the heart of the...
The piece is composed of a beautiful paragenesis: scheelite,...
Incomplete but very particular single crystal of scheelite...
Imperfect scheelite but with a nice orange color and shiny...
Small plate of very bright fluorite of a deep purple,...
Small floater made of a very bright fluorite plate of good...
Incomplete but not damaged scheelite crystals with silver...
Imperfect scheelite but with a nice deep orange color and a...
This piece colored by wulfenite and mimetite of a nice orange...
Association of an orange crystal of wulfenite lustrous and...
Old specimen of blue fluorite accompanied by quartz and...
Beautiful golden needles of rutile on which hyalite opal...
The rutile in epitaxy is a world famous association and...
Brilliant brown crystals of sphene (titanite) on bluish-gray...
No damage at all for this brilliant quartz with goethite...
Floating. Size of the crystal: 2,2 x 1,5 cm. 6 x 4 x 3 cm.
A french classic : azurite sphere from Chessy (Rhône, France),...
A french classic : azurite sphere from Chessy (Rhône, France),...