Smoky quartz - Mont-Blanc, Haute-Savoie, France
Brilliant and translucent double terminated smoky quartz from...
A crystallized plate of shiny smoky quartz, some of them biterminated, arranged in preferential directions that may remind one of Japanese macerations (= La Gardette's macerate), but which correspond in fact to an epitaxial growth with feldspars that were then dissolved (some remains are still present). This type of quartz called gitter quartz" is quite rare ("gitter" in German meaning "grid"). Known from the Erongo Mountains in Namibia, this one comes from Mount Malosa in Malawi from where only a few hundred pieces, mostly small, were extracted in 2014/2015. Some fine arfvedsonite crystals are present, especially on the back. The plate is in very good condition (very little damage considering the size and number of crystals). We found it interesting to leave the feldspar between the quartz crystals, but further cleaning could be done upon request and at no extra cost."
18,5 x 16 x 7 cm.
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Brilliant and translucent double terminated smoky quartz from...
Very nice little smoky quartz crystal with Cumberland habitus...
Smoky quartz crystals with Cumberland habitus on a plate...
Plate composed of a first generation of smoky quartz with...
Large smoky quartz hedgehog. The tips are rather shiny, not...
Long bright crystals of aegyrin on orthoclase. Two tips...
Smoky, shiny quartz. A very very slight damage at the top. 3 x...
Dull smoky quartz crystals associated with more or less...
A collection of brilliant smoky quartz, some of which...