Gibbsite - Wenshan mine, Yunan, China
Botryoidal gibbsite of a beautiful and intense blue color from...
Botryoidal gibbsite of a beautiful and intense blue color from...
Botryoidal gibbsite of a beautiful and intense blue color from...
Botryoidal gibbsite of a beautiful and intense blue color from...
Large translucent and shiny barite crystal with the famous...
Petit ensemble de cristaux de barytine translucides et bien...
Translucent and bright barite crystals with the famous white...
Very small, very fine spessartite garnet with "etched"...
Rare blue tourmaline (copper-bearing) possessing some hints of...
Rare blue tourmaline (copper-bearing) possessing some hints of...
Rare blue tourmaline (copper-bearing) possessing some hints of...
Rare blue tourmaline (copper-bearing) possessing some hints of...
Rare blue tourmaline (copper-bearing) with some hints of green...
White to pinkish thomsonite spheres on basaltic matrix. Piece...
Large, bright, intact crystals of orange stilbite. 8 x 8 x 3 cm.
Very bright floating specimen, undammaged. The relief on the...
Very bright crystals. 5,5 x 3 x 2,5 cm.
The piece is in perfect condition, 100% crystallized. 5 x 3 x...
Group of "green cap" tourmaline crystals (difficult to show...
Undammaged, bright, biterminated crystals of "green cap"...
Brilliant and intact crystal with chlorite inclusions.2,5 x 3...
The main neptunite crystal is bright and perfectly ended; the...
A group of very fine, imperfect but very bright crystals of...
Bright apple green (cupro) adamite crystals on limonite. 4 x 2...
Floating group of bright amethysted quartz, some biterminated,...
Group of bright, amethyst crystals, some biterminated. 4,5 x 4...