Torbernite on morion quartz - Entraygues, Aveyron, France
(Meta)torbernite on quartz morion from the Margabal mine....
(Meta)torbernite on quartz morion from the Margabal mine....
(Meta)torbernite crystals in sheets on quartz, from...
(Meta)torbernite on quartz morion from the Margabal mine....
(Meta)torbernite on quartz from the Margabal mine. Piece...
Small very well crystallized group of (meta)torbernite from...
(Meta)torbernite from the Margabal mine. Piece stabilized with...
(Meta)torbernite on quartz from the Margabal mine. Piece...
(Meta)torbernite on quartz morion from the Margabal mine....
(Meta)torbernite from the Margabal mine. Piece stabilized with...
(Meta)torbernite from the Margabal mine. Piece stabilized with...
(Meta)torbernite on quartz from the Margabal mine. Piece...
(Meta)torbernite from the Margabal mine. Piece stabilized with...
(Meta)torbernite from the Margabal mine. Piece stabilized with...
Meta)torbernite on quartz from the Margabal mine. Piece...
(Meta)torbernite from the Margabal mine. Piece stabilized with...
Group of translucent crystals from the old quarry of...
Group of translucent crystals with clay inclusions from the...
Dark blue octahedra of fluorite accompanied by small needles...
Purple octahedrons of fluorite associated to small needles of...
Massive sample of kyanite typical of Baud in Morbihan.8 x 5 x...
Massive sample of kyanite typical of Baud in Morbihan. 15 x 9...
A garnet in micaschist.3,5 x 2 x 1 cm.
A small garnet in micaschist. 4 x 3,5 x 1 cm.
Interesting architecture for this bunch of calcite from China....
New find of this winter 2020/2021 in China! Transparent...
New find of this winter 2020/2021 in China! Transparent...
New find of this winter 2020/2021 in China! Transparent...
New find of this winter 2020/2021 in China! Transparent...
New find of this winter 2020/2021 in China! Transparent...
New find of this winter 2020/2021 in China! Transparent...
New find this winter 2020/2021 in China! Transparent calcites...
New find of this winter 2020/2021 in China! Transparent...